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5 Types of Content to Drive Website Traffic & Amplify Your SEO Efforts

5 Types of Content to Drive Website Traffic & Amplify Your SEO Efforts

The internet thrives on content. It’s the very thing that attracts customers to your website, keeps them on your page enthralled in reading and when it’s great – it prompts your website fans to share it through their social media channels, email your URL to a friend or pass the info along in a conversation. Great content draws more eyes to your website, driving traffic and brand awareness, which is what every website owner wants.

Why Content?

Not only are you helping to inform and educate your readers by crafting good content that is specific to your industry or niche, when you generate content on a consistent basis, you are also boosting your website’s SEO efforts. The more web pages you have, the more information and presence you’ll have on the web for Google’s search bots to read through and index in their results. This means the more likely your website will show up in the SERPs (search engine results pages) when users are looking for the info you’ve written.

But what to write? Well, first things first – whatever form your content takes on it should be original, well-researched and relevant to your target audience. You want to create content that addresses the questions and concerns your ideal customers would go to the internet to find.  Think about the things that you often get questioned about regarding your industry or service and use that intel to create topics that address these often-heard concerns. Chances are other people are looking for the same info and these people can be your potential customers.

There are numerous forms your content can take and listed below are 5 types of content you can create today to drive more traffic to your website and boost your SEO efforts:

1. List Posts

This is a list post! It’s an easy to digest, informative post that lists 5 content types to help you drive traffic to your website.

People love lists. They can scan through them quickly to find the information that they need.

Whatever topic you decide to create your list around, remember to think about your readers. Web readers don’t have the same level of patience that print readers do, they scan. So, by keeping things short and sweet – whether it's in list form or article form, you keep your web visitors engaged.

2. How-To Guides

How to guides are hands down a must-do for website owners that want to drive traffic to their website. They provide a means of helping your readers through a process and solve a problem that they may have. These tutorial type articles walk your readers through a situation and then guides them through to the end until their problem is solved.

If you’re are a greenhouse owner, you can create a how-to guide regarding planting seeds. If you’re a plumber, you can write an article that explains how to check if your toilet is leaking. If you own a retail clothing store, you can offer a how-to guide on how to mix separate pieces or incorporate new trends into your wardrobe. In every industry, there is a potential how-to guide that can be written that will help your intended audience.

3. Infographics

Infographics are a wonderful way to present and explain information through a visual medium. We are attracted to visually beautiful things and infographics are just that – pretty yet full of facts. You can even repurpose old posts that you’ve written by presenting it through this format. With multiple tools out there to help you create infographics, you can create content that is at once good-looking and full of info. Pull out the main points from a post previously written and craft a colourful infographic that your web visitors will love. Infographics are a great way to earn backlinks (which are a big plus for SEO) so long as they are well crafted, well researched and well put together.

4. Resource Posts

Creating content takes work, there’s no denying that you have to research prior to writing, get your thoughts together and then actually write the thing. Resource posts are a welcome respite from this sort of content creation.

Resources posts are like list posts and what is required for them to be created is essentially curating information that already exists and creating a list for your visitors. So rather than actually writing a full-on article, you can create a list of resources that your visitors can go and visit to learn in-depth about a thing.

While these posts also take work because the articles you source are not going to compile themselves, this type of post does save you on writing time. In addition, your readers will thank you for doing the groundwork for them and putting together a list that saves them the multiple Google searches and sifting through good and bad information.

5. Reviews

Reviews can come in 2 forms – reviews you receive as a business/website owner or reviews from your own perspective that discuss a product, service or thing. For the sake of this article, we’ll define them as internal reviews: those that you write and external: those that you receive.

Reviews of both kinds are great content types that can drive traffic to your website given that most people go to the web to hunt for information regarding other people’s perception of a thing. We want to know if others are in favour or against a product or service prior to committing ourselves to purchasing or investing our time. This is why review sites exist – think of RateMD, TravelAdvisor, Yelp and so forth – they are websites that are totally review driven. The content of these sites are the reviews themselves.

While external reviews are user-created types of content, internal reviews can be written by someone on your team. By comparing products, for ex. blank vs. blank and creating an article that discusses the pros and cons of each and why you think one is better than the other – you provide your audience with a user’s perspective to help them make an informed decision themselves. So long as your post and your claims are supported by legitimate information, you are educating your readers which again, is the point of all great content. To inform, engage and educate.

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